Produção científica: dissertações e teses do IPUSP (1980/1989) / Analysis of the scientific production from the Institute of Psychology graduation course in the University of São Paulo from 1980 to 1989




Analyzes theses and dissertations from the Institute of Psychology at the University of São Paulo (IPUSP) from 1980 to 1989 to identify relevant aspects to define its characterization, and to establish a research work profile accomplished in that decade. Uses forms for data registration and applies the content analysis research technique to the abstracts of those studies to obtain data referring to: type of research; characteristics of subject focused in those dissertations; research strategy employed; site of data collection; psychological subject focused; research instruments most used. Presents a descriptive analysis of data based on frequency distributions and crossed tabulations of the variables of interest. Realizes that IPUSP is involved primarily with field research; uses preferably human groups of both sexes, children and adults from less privileged economical classes; the predominant methodology is descriptive research (concentrating on interviews) applied to school environments; most frequently subject is related to teaching and learning; graduate people take about 5,5 years to conclude their masters degree and just as long to accomplish their subsequent doctorate; they usually keep the same subtect area of their masters, but change the methodology.


estudantes universitários psychology scientific research pesquisa científica psicologia college students

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