Monodromy of plane algebraic curves / Monodromia de curvas algébricas planas




In 1968, J. Milnor introduced the Picard-Lefschetz monodromy of a complex hypersurface with an isolated singularity. Subsequently, E. Brieskorn asked if this monodromy is always finite. In 1972, Lê Dúng Trâng proved that the answer is positive in the case of irreducible analytic germs of plane curves. At this time, examples of plane curves with two branches and finite monodromy were known. In 1973, N. A?Campo produced the first example of a germ of plane curve with two branches and infinite monodromy. Therefore, the simplest and still open problem in this context is to determine whether the monodromy of a plane curve with two branches is finite or infinite. The present work consists in determining, in several situations, the minimal polynomial of the monodromy for germs of plane analytic curves with two branches, whose genera are less or equal than two, wich allows us to decide its finiteness


plane curves curvas planas alexander polynomial monodromia monodromy polinômios de alexander

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