Monitoring of operations the rectification using sensors of fusion / Monitoramento de operações de retificação usando fusão de sensores




The present study deals with an experimental analysis of a monitoring system based on a sensor fusion strategy applied to a cylindrical grinding machine. It comprises a fusion of the power and acoustic emission signals and has as main goal to obtain the FAP (Fast Abrasive Power) using the method developed by Valente (2003). Initially, the power and acoustic emission signals were captured under operational dysfunction conditions during the grinding process (stock imperfection, collision, unbalancing e vibration). Then, based on these signals, the FAP parameter was generated and its capability in characterizing operational dysfunctions evaluated against the performance of an individual analysis of the power and acoustic emission signals. For this analysis, FAP and acoustic maps plus plots showing the FAP signals vs. working time were implemented. The experimental data revealed that the FAP presents a faster response than the power signal and a slightly dumped response when compared against the acoustic signal. The signal level of the FAP is similar to the power signal and is homogenous during the machining process. On contrary to the FAP, the acoustic emission signal may be affected by parameters that are not related to the tool-workpiece interactions, workpiece geometry and sensor positioning. The dynamic response of FAP is reliable and linked to the energy of the system. Finally, it should be highlightened that the monitoring system based on the FAP parameter presents low complexity in both implementation and execution. Such characteristics are superior to those observed when using either the power or acoustic emission signals and highly valuable in a system designed to monitor grinding processes.


grinding monitoring sensor fusion emissão acústica potência fusão de sensores monitoramento de processos de retificação processos de fabricação power retificação grinding acoustic emission manufacturing process

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