Modificação técnica e conceitual no sistema de segurança dos geradores e condutos forçados ns 1 e 2 da usina Henry Borden


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study aims to propose a technical and conceptual modification in the safety system of generators and forced ducts n 1 and 2 of Henry Borden hydroelectric power plant, in Cubatão - Sao Paulo, with the main objective of reducing the water hammer in the forced ducts. This work starts with a concise review on hydraulic turbines, with emphasis on the most common turbines in Brazil industry. The study in the improvement of turbines shows an introduction with an explanation about Pelton turbine as well as the theoretical foundations involved in the auxiliary components, such as injectors, deflectors, safety needles and forced ducts. The study shows a historical and a technical description of the Henry Borden hydroelectric power plant. At the end, a detailed effect of water hammer in forced duct shown as well as the implications that this phenomenon affects the operation of the generators. After that, the work reveals a proposal to a technical modification and shows a new concept in the operation of safety needles, with the premises of operation and synchronism of the main and auxiliary injectors. The following is a short comment on the use of digital speed regulators, which were used in the innovation of the speed regulators of the generating 11 to 16 of the underground plant, also in Henry Borden plant. In conclusion, there is a technical discussion about the effect of the phenomenon observed inside the forced ducts Number 1 shown as a well as proposal for technical modification, that would minimize dynamic oscillations in the forced ducts and reduce maintenance costs.


golpe de aríete injetores turbines pelton water hammer injectors engenharia de producao turbinas pelton

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