Modelo de gestão para pequenas empresas de projeto de edifícios. / Management model for small building design firms.




Building design is known to be one of the main aspects in obtaining competitive advantage in the building sector. Because of this, the organizational environment where design development takes place – the design firm – must offer the ideal conditions for this development. Nevertheless, design firms, specially the smaller ones, have particular characteristics that limit their performance, like shortage of financial, human and technological resources, high dependence on the entrepreneurship and leadership characteristics of their owners, the owners split their time in technical and managerial activities, and in general they do not know the key management techniques available. According to this, the main purpose of this thesis is the proposition of a management model specifically developed for small building design firms, aligned with their needs and particularities. The theoretical referential was elaborated aiming to furnish the necessary foundation to the field research conducted, allowing the researcher to know and understand the particularities of small companies, the management models available and the main characteristics of the building design process. The field research was conducted with a qualitative approach through the analysis of four case studies in small building design firms acting mainly in São Paulo City. The data collection involved many sources of evidence: personal interviews, observation and analysis of documents. The proposed model includes guidance to the management of the core processes and activities of small building design firms, such as: organizational structure; strategic planning; planning and control of design process; costs management; sales management; information systems; human resources management; services added to the design; and performance evaluation.


design firms gestão design process processo de projeto building construction management construção de edifícios empresa de projeto

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