Modelo de gestão baseado em tecnologia da informação para apoio à administração de consórcios de exportação




The cluster of small and medium enterprises in consortium formation to exports has proved beneficial, as there is a vortex of joint efforts which result in market forces to provide support to national and international demands for products and/or services, which would hardly happen if these companies acted alone. It stands out, then, the importance of the manager to add common interests and to provide solutions, even when it comes to participants# understanding of the enterprise dimension and importance. However, the consortium management continues to be practiced individually or collegially, not having an integrated information system which is updated in real time to enable the manager to know immediately about the flows, processes and business results in their intrinsic and extrinsic relations. It is highly necessary to develop a system based on information technology (IT), characterized in this work as a management model focused on the creation of an innovative technological tool that will support managers of export consortia. With an appropriate methodology for scientific research and for the model framework, as well as for its implications, this work presents an integrated view of complex management, focusing on the listed general and specific objectives, and also on those which can possibly be observed. The main innovation that the model incorporates is intrinsically linked to human resources, with the creation of several indicators measured on a finite scale from 1 to 5, as the Professional Development Index which emphasizes the human factor and Technology Development Index that prioritizes the technologies offered by the company in their jobs. The model also innovates by allowing the manager to carry out scenarios, where he can test virtually certain situations that he considers to implement in the market. The theoretical and practical models will be evaluated by the consortium of export companies in the region bounded by the research.


engenharia de producao tecnologia da informação consorcios de exportacao - administração - modelos engenharia de produção production engineering

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