Modelo de apoio à DecisÃo multicritÃrio para terceirizaÃÃo de atividades produtivas baseado no MÃtodo SMARTS




The outsourcing of activities in organizations has become an increasingly common option for production, in order to cope with high competitiveness that exists in globalized markets. However, there are no guarantees of improvements in operating results through outsourcing activities. Indeed, the consequences of the outsourcing of productive activities can lead organizations both to success as to failure. The decision of what and with whom outsource productive activities requires much analysis ability from the decision maker, since it is necessary to consider simultaneously the various issues that are present in productive arrangements of activities. Benefits and risks must be identified and properly measured. Aspects such as quality, cost, speed, credibility among others directly influence the performance of the activities and impact on the outcome of the whole organization. Moreover, in Brazil the current labor legislation is considered archaic by many lawyers, and there are some restrictions to implement outsourcing activities that need to be well understood. In order to assist the decision maker to face the complex quandary to outsource or not productive activities, this paper proposes a model to structuralize this problem, based on multicriteria decision support methodologies. The wording of this proposed model is based on the theory of multiatribute utility, with the simplifications obtained through SMARTS technique (Simple Multiatribute Rating Technique using Swings), which is adequated to the conditions of the problem. The proposed model was applied and considered by experimental decision maker, a simple and very appropriate tool to the outsourcing decision


multicriteria decision smarts modelo de apoio à decisÃo support model for decision engenharia de producao decisÃo multicritÃrio terceirizaÃÃo outsource smarts

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