Modelamento e observador discretos não-estacionarios para a maquina de indução




In this work a procedure is proposed for obtaining a discrete state model for the indudion machine based on the two-axis continuous model. The performance of the discrete model is then discussed; it is compared to the continuous modeI and to the discrete model obtained through Euler s method. Next, the proposed discrete model is applied in the design and implementation of rotor flux observers as well as in a scheme, using a Kalman filter, for the estimation of the mutual indudance and rotor resistance in order to correct the estimation error caused by the variation of those parameters. Several experimental results are presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method. Fina.lly, it is proposed an application for the discrete observer in a vector control scheme for the indudion machine using state feedback


maquinas eletricas de indução engenharia eletrica

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