Modelagem, simulação e otimização de um processo de fermentação alcoolica continua, com recibo de celulas, em reator cascata




The culture conditions used in most of the works published on alcoholic fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed to be different from those used in brazilian destilleries. Besides this, many works were carried out on isothermic conditions so that the temperature effect on yield and productivity couldn t have been verified. In this work the main objective was to optimize the operational conditions of a typical large scale alcohol brasilian plant, using the factorial design and surface analyses technique in order to maximize yield and productivity. The parameters studied were: the temperature profile, residence time, cell recycle concentration and medium feed distribution between first and second stage. The fermentation system consisted of four CSTR s linked in serie, with cell recycle. Through of computer simulation, using the 4th order Runge-Kutta method, the values of yield and productivity were obtained. The kinetic parameters used in the mathematical modeling were obtained from the literature and relating to the specific brazilian fermentation conditions (sugar-cane molasses as substrate, microrganism isolated from industrial plant and the range of temperature). At first, the PLACKETT-BURMAN (1946) serening methodology was performed with ten parameters leading, to the selection of 5 parameters as the most important to optimize the yield and productivity. Further, using the surface response method, the optimal operational conditions was verified as following: the temperature of 34°C for the first stage, at second stage 32°C, at stages 3 and 4, 30°C; the residence time was the same in all stages and equal to 1.25 h; the distribution ratio between the first and second stage was 1:1 and the cell recycle concentration was 90 kg/m3.The process yield and productivity using these parameters values were respectively 86.28% and 12 g/l.h, which means a gain of 48.16% in productivity, compared to a non optimized process with similar yield .


planejamento experimental fermentação alcoolica temperatura

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