Modelagem, simulação e otimização de sistemas de evaporação




Evaporation systems are separation processes widely used at chemical and chemical processing industries. The large number of possibilities for effects configuration (frontal, reverse or mixed) and of inclusion of accessories (mechanical conpressors, thermocompressors, heat exchangers, flash coolers and bleed streams) turn its modeling and simulation into a hard task. In this work, it was developed a mathematical model for static and dynamic simulation of evaporation systems. This model was implemented in a computer program based on object-oriented-programming and on the use of linked lists. The influence of variables as effect number and configuration, feed temperature, use of condensate and vapor recompression in a evaporation system were illustrated in a case study of sugar solutions concentration. The flexibility of the software was exemplified at the steady state simulation of an orange juice evaporator, showing results near to published values. The analysis of the dynamic simulation results of an apple juice concentrator showed that the dynamic model developed in this work is able to reproduce real operational data. The study of the malt-dextrin concentration showed that an evaporator can exhibit a complex dynamical behavior with inverse response. Unit operations optimization can not be performed isolated. All pieces of equipment have to be optimized in the context of the overall process... Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertations


energia - conservação programação orientada a objetos (computação) evaporadores - modelos matematicos

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