Controle "DMC" de um processo de fermentação alcoolica continua em escala industrial




The main subject of this work is the application and development of the advanced predictive control strategy, DMC Dynamic Matrix ControI , to an industrial continuous fermentation process in multiple stages with cells recyc1e. This fermentation process presents higher nonlinearities (a characteristics of distributed systems) and time-delay in the measurement analysis of TRS Total Reductor Sugars . These facts make very difficult for the controller to define an efficient action to be taken. It is not easily found in the available literature application of predictive controLlaws for this complex and very important c1ass of chemical process. The motivation to work with DMC controllers is directly linked to the high potentiality shown by this algorithm for various systems, specially considering that this is one of the most popular control strategies in industrial applications. Concluding, the objective was to analyze the dynamic behavior of this process, to define control loops, to study and to apply this advanced predictive control strategy, DMC, to an industrial fermentation processo This was performed in two fashions: in the regulatory way and in the supervisory way. A comparison with the c1assic PID strategy is also presented. The set of the activities, that made possible the implementation of the predictive algorithm DMC, can be considered as a methodology for the design and tuning of this kind of controllers


controle preditivo controle de processo alcool fermentação modelos matematicos destilarias

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