Modelagem matemÃtica com simulaÃÃo computacional na aprendizagem de funÃÃes




This research investigated mathematics modeling as an approach to learn the concept of affine, quadratic and exponential functions, on activities of building computer simulations. Our concerns were to identify mathematical and computational abilities mobilized while students use function knowledge on modeling simulations. This led us to search tools to the research, the Modellus software, which allow users to construct computer simulations and to work with multiple representations, was chosen. We hypothesized that using the software facilitates the validation of the models. According to researches, this is a hard phase to implement modeling as a teaching approach. Thus, three problems were designed, and characterized as completely opened problems, which solutions demanded function knowledge. Three pairs of undergraduated students of Recife were selected to undertake the activities. The students were already familiar to Modellus, what allowed overtaking studentsâ familiarization with the software. The use of this kind of problems revealed didactical phenomena involved on teaching and learning process that provokes barriers on the use of mathematics modeling as at school. The results points to: specifics abilities to model, influences of rules of the didactic contract on the activities, relation between daily knowledge brought by the students and the context of the problem used and minimization of difficulties to validate promoted by Modellus software


educational software fenÃmenos didÃticos simulaÃÃo computacional modellus didactical phenomena educacao funÃÃo modelagem matemÃtica mathematics modeling computational simulation function

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