Midia impressa e mercosul: as dimensÃes econÃmicas e ideolÃgicas do discurso jornalÃstico




The aim of this work is to theoretically contextualize the subjacent discourse principals in journalistic texts that deal with the economic phenomenon MERCOSUL â The Common Market of South America â taken from the Economic editorials of the newspaper Jornal do Commercio (Recife -PE/1995). From the corpus of material, consisting of 14 published reports on the given subject, during the period of 1s t January to 31s t December 1995, it was possible to establish certain theoretical relationships between the journalistic discourse produced in the editorials, and the economic dimensions and ideologies implicit therein. It is important to stress that given the epistemological nature of this work, the study was carried out with the use of a multi-disciplinary theoretical-methodological instrument, based on the theories and methodological procedures constructed and revised in the areas of Communications, Journalism, Linguists and Economy - this last area in its treatment of the macroeconomic phenomenon of globalisation and regionalizing, here made evident by the formation of the Common Market of South American - MERCOSUL. With certain effect, the adoption of such a strategy has made it possible to verify that this journalistic discourse constituted a powerful discourse mechanism. To the degree that, this circulation of information involved important ideological and economic aspects, situated within both the public and private sectors, dichotomised from the visions and roles fulfilled by each of these sectors, in the sense of guaranteeing the insertion of Pernambuco, and consequently the whole Northeast itself, in the economic order of globalisation. This current theoretical contribution unveils a moment of research and consequently, of possible advances within the theme in question, and more specifically, in relation to the work produced by the Pernambuco press in the times of globalisation


ciencias humanas discurso jornalÃstico mÃdia impressa mercosul

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