Microbiological study of intrauterine contents and histopathology of uterus of bitches with pyometra and research of virulence factors in E.coli isolates and the potential risk to human health / Estudo microbiológico de conteúdo intra-uterino e histopatológico de útero de cadelas com piometra e pesquisa de fatores de virulência em cepas de E.coli e o potencial risco à saúde humana




Canine pyometra, also known as cystic endometrial hyperplasia complex, is a disease of the adult dog characterized by the inflammation of the uterus with accumulation of purulent discharge, that occurs in the luteus phase of the estrus cycle and that can affect various systems of the organism. It occurs in result of hormone alterations and generally is associated with bacterial infections. The incidence of pyometra in the bitch is high, being the disease recognized as one of the most common illness occuring in this animal species and one of the most common cause of death. Pyometra is one of the main pathological condition that affects the genital tract in dogs. The bacterial species most frequently isolated from the uterine contents of dogs with pyometra is Escherichia coli. Some strains of E.coli are proven to be pathogenic for the man and/or animals. In man, the microrganism has been associated with severe gastrintestinal diseases, as well as extra-intestinal diseases, with special reference to the bladder infections, septicemias and neonatal meningitis. This study consisted of microbiological isolation of the bacteria from the intrauterine contents of 100 dogs with pyometra, the counting of number of units forming colonies in 1ml, antibiogram of the isolated bacteria, histologic examination of the uterus, and research of virulence factors in the E.coli strains. The study was carried out in the Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia of the Universidade de São Paulo, and the samples obtained from the animals submitted to surgery of ovariohysterectomy in the Sector of Obstetrics of the Veterinarian Hospital. The present study confirmed the occurrence of Escherichia coli as being the main agent involved in pyometra in bitches, as well as verified the presence of virulence factors in the strains isolated. Statistically the bigger the number of unit forming colonies/ml the greater the intensity of the inflammatory process. One observed more sensitivity of E.coli to the antimicrobial substances norfloxacin, polimixin B, sulfazotrin, chloranfenicol, enrofloxacin, and gentamicin and more resistance to the antimicrobial substances cefalotin and ampicilin. In the strains of Gram negative bacteria there was more sensitivity to the antimicrobial substances norfloxacin and polimixin B and a greater resistance to the antimicrobial substances ampicilin, cefalotin, cefoxitin, cefalexin, and tetraciclin. In the strains isolated of Gram positive bacteria there was a greater sensitivity to the antimicrobial substances vancomicin, cefalexin, norfloxacin, sulfazotrin, gentamicin, and polimixin B and a greater resistance to the antimicrobial substances penicillin, oxacilin and ampicilin. Virulence factors were identified in 98,0% of the strains of Escherichia coli evaluated, demonstrating a high frequency of potentially pathogenic E.coli


escherichia coli animal pyometra virulence factors fatores de virulência piometra animal escherichia coli

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