Restrição do crescimento intra-uterino : identificação e fatores de risco




A cross-sectional study of the children bom at Hospital and Maternity Celso Pierro-PUCCAMP, São Paulo, from January the 20th, 1999 to January the 19th,2000, was accomplished, with the objective of evaluating the newbom anthropometric characteristics according to several classifications. The risk factors for restriction of the intrauterine growth (IUGR) were also studied. The variable evaluated were: gestational age of the newborn, birth weight, the relation between birth weight and gestational age, body proportionality and, finally, occurence and severity of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). The risk variable considered for IUGR were: maternal education, marital status, per capita income, maternal age, maternal race, number ofpregnancies, parity, spontaneous abortion, prior dead infants, stillbirth, prior low birth weight infants, prior insufficient birth weight infants, birth and pregnancy intervals, pregnancy-induced hypertension, prenatal care and habit of smoking cigarettes. The studied population was of a low socioeconomicallevel, most of the women have public insurance and are local inhabitants. The frequency of adolescent mothers is high, 25,8%. The frequency ofmothers aging 35 or more and higher is lower (6,7%), but their socioeconomical and gestational situation are worse than observed in the total population. Nonwhite mothers show social and gestational disadvantages when compared to white mothers. The prevalence oflow birth weight newborns is 10,3%, and most ofthem (76,7%) has IUGR. The prevalence of insufficient birth weight newborns is 27,7%, and 21,7% has IUGR. The frequency of premature newborns is 5,3% and the frequency of infants with IUGR is higher in this group (41,6%) than in the group of term newborns (12,4%). Most ofthe premature newborns have severe restriction in growth. In spite ofthis fact, the most prevalent disadvantageous result, in the newbom population studied, is the IUGR among term newborns (11,7%). The number of newborns with IUGR was higher than the number of small for gestational age newborns (SGA). Consideringall the SGA infants, 93,0% are symmetric. The risk factors for rnGR among tenn newborns are: non-stable maritus status (OR=1,37), prior low birth weight infants (OR=1,71), pregnancy-induced hypertension (OR=1,85) and the habit of smoking cigarettes (OR=2,37). All these factors have a larger effects on the severe restriction of intrauterine growth, but the most relevant etiological factor is the habit ofsmoking, with an attributable risk of23,6%


peso ao nascer feto - retardo do desenvolvimento recem-nascidos

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