Metologia para determinação de parâmetros para solos não saturados utilizando ensaios com umidade conhecida




In general the determination of constitutive parameters for unsaturated soils requires tests with controlled suction or allows measurement of suction. In this case it is highlighted the technique of axis translation, steam transfer or osmotic techniques. But generally most laboratories of soil mechanics do not have these tests and even when they are available it takes a very long time to obtain the results. Thus, it is a common practice to perform tests called tests with constant humidity and estimate the suction through the characteristic curve. On the other hand, there is no guarantee that the humidity is constant during the test and, if this happens, the suction in the pores will be the same as in the beginning or the end of the test. It is a mistake to believe that the suction is controlled only by the amount of water in the voids, neglecting the variations that occur in the pore size where the water is. In this sense, this study presents a proposed methodology for the determination of parameters for unsaturated soils by performing ordinary and simple tests, and it is considered in this methodology that there is the variation in the amount of water stored in the soil, and also that the changes in the pore size produce variations in the state of suction. For this, tests were conducted to determine how the output of water samples occurs in similar conditions to tests results. Furthermore, a study on the influence of voids levels in the soil characteristic curve was conducted. With these results, it was possible to perform analysis of consolidation tests and direct shear tests with different contents of initial humidity, and also to determine the parameters and surfaces state that were possible only by tests with controlled suction. Finally, the methodology proved to be a viable tool for implementing the concepts of mechanics of unsaturated soils in engineering practice, and further studies need however to ensure its accuracy and precision.


solos não saturados modelos constitutivos controle de umidade sucção geotecnica

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