Equipment cubic triaxial for rehearsals in saturated soils and no saturated with suction controlled matric / Equipamento triaxial cúbico para ensaios em solos saturados e não-saturados com sucção matricial controlada




In tropical countries, like Brazil, soils in non saturated condition are frequently encountered. Besides, the majority of geotechnical works load the ground according to stress paths in which the three principal stresses are different and vary independently. Therefore, the need to develop equipments able to test in the laboratory non saturated soil samples following these stress paths. In this thesis, a new cubic triaxial cell is presented. The equipment was developed to test soil samples in dry, saturated or with matric suction controlled conditions. Results of a test program realized with the new equipment in a young residual soil samples are presented. A bibliographic review is made dealing with axisymmetrical and cubical triaxial equipments able to test soil samples in non saturated conditions, and principal features of non saturated soil behavior. Following, components of the cubical triaxial device are described in full detail and, in the next Chapter, the main characteristics of the young residual soil tested, as well as the methodology used during the test program, are presented. Finally, test results are presented and discussed, including tests with saturated and non saturated soil samples, realized in conventional stress paths in which two principal stresses are equal, and in non conventional stress paths in which the three principal stresses vary independently. The main conclusions state that the developed equipment is working adequately and seems to be appropriate to study the behavior of non saturated soils.


laboratory essays cubic triaxial solos não-saturados geotecnica non saturated soils triaxial cúbico soil mechanics mecânica do solo ensaios de laboratório

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