Desenvolvimento de equipamento para ensaios CRS com sucção controlada e ensaios em solos não saturados cimentados artificialmente / Development of equipment for CRS tests with controlled suction and tests with artificially cemented unsatured soils




This research presents the development of equipment for CRS tests with controlled suction and tests with artificially cemented unsatured soils. It was designed and constructed four apparatus at the geotechnical laboratory of the Federal University of Viçosa. The cells have an interchangeable high air entry value ceramic disc on its base. It was also designed a software for data acquisition and an apparatus for measurement of the volume of water dislocated from the sample. It was used two residual soils from Minas Gerais. Samples prepared by compaction were used in order to assure homogeneity and to avoid deviations in test results and interpretation. The tests were carried out with different levels of applied suction. Part of the samples was prepared with the addition of different amounts of Portland cement to simulate soil matrix. After cure, these samples added with cement were saturated and subjected to CRS compression tests, using the consolidation test apparatus developed. It was noticed a structure failure at low-tension levels because of the sample elaboration method. The equipment was testified as functional.


equipaments compaction mecânica do solo suction equipamentos compactação solos não saturados soil mechanics unsatured soils ensaios crs sucção geotecnica crs tests

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