Métodos de ensino para cursos de administração: uma análise da aplicabilidade e eficiência dos métodos




It is continuously growing the charges from organizations regarding to formation process of future administrators that could be in a mid managerial or senior managerial position in a short coming. The companies are after a reduction on its training and development investments, that mostly extends for months before the just arrived newly professionals can initiate to produce efficiently. For the companies they demonstrate lacks, especially on the behavior matters and in the so called emotional intelligence. Based on this context the present work has as its objective identify and evaluate the main ten teaching methods for business school in Brazilian Educational Colleges. Due to the important role that teaching methods perform in the teaching-learning process it was evaluated the didactic fundaments under two points of view: the on educational principals fundaments and the development potential of managerial competencies. To accomplish this, a solid fundament of the andragogic educational principals and of the managerial competencies regarding its three attributes: knowledge, skill and attitude were investigated and integrated. As main results achieved, it is possible to visualize in a more consistent matter the method that better fit the business context and able a solid development for future administrators. This work also offers an contribution presetting a best combination of different methods, according to its didactic approach, looking forward to optimize the learning process


andragogia teaching methods administracao de empresas competências gerenciais andragogic educational principals administration administração métodos de ensino managerial competencies

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