Metodologia para determinação de corantes artificiais em alimentos por cromatografia liquida de alta eficiencia




The control of level of synthetic dyes food isn t a routine procedure, specially by the lack of adequate methodology capable of answering the demand of the number of analyses and the quantitatives determination in the most different kinds of food, besides making available to the implantation in control labs in our country. Trying to overcome this problem, it was developed and avaliated a methodology to a qualified and quantified of eight artificial colorants allowed to be used by the brazilian legislation, using the technique of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The developed method was applied in the determination of the yellow n° 5, sunset yellow, bordeaux S, red n° 17, red n" 40, red n° 3, indigo carmin and brilliant blue coloring, in ten different kinds of food products, as jelly powder, soft drinks, isotonic drinks, artificially concentrated juice, natural fruit juice, mormning colored cereals, candies, chewing gums and sweet. Most of all, in relation to the offial methods and other used ones, the advantage of the new technology can be resumed, besides the simultaneous determination of the eight colors, in the simplicity at the point of extraction, in the use of more common reactors and with lower levels of toxicity, in the isocratic elution and on the no need of using ionic pairs in the mobil fase. All these parameters in group become the analyses quick, besides the high reprodutivety, intrinsical characteristic to the used technique. The coloring were taken with heated to 40 - 50° C. For the samples of the morning cereals the colouring were taken with the amonicat solution (10% in ethanol) Isotonic drinks and soft drinks were only ungasified. After the adjustment of the volume with water, a small portion was collected and untrifuged to 15,000 rpm for a period often minutes. The surface was filtered in a fluopore filter FHLP 01300 of 0.5 cm and put in the chromatography. The regulation of the column done by the fluid of a solution of water/methanol (70/30) + 0.08 M of ammonium acetate, by 12.5 minutes, between each injection, is important to the obtainance of a good resolution among the coloring. After the regulation of the column, there was a change in the motive fase, only with removal of the ammonium acetate, and the coloring were eluted in a 20 minute race. The detection was made in the visible region, with the help of a diode array detector and the quantification was done through the curves of outside padronization the limits of detection and recuperation were respectively 0.51 µg/ml and 96.3% to the indigo carmin, 1.30 µg/ml and 98.2% to the brilliant blue , 1.02 µg/ml and 102% to the bordeaux S, 0.57 µg/ml and 96.8% to the red n° 17, 110 µg/ml and 100.3% to the red nº 40, 0.51 µg/ml and 96% to the red n°3 , 0.70 µg/ml and 99.7% to the yellow n° 5 and 1.83 µg/ml and 98.9% to the sunset yellow. Among the tested food, all the samples of jello powder, isotonic drinks, concentrated artificial price and chocolate sweet were beyond the quantified established by the brazilian legislation, of 10mg/100g, although, all the samples of morning colored cereal showed higher levels to these limits 37% of the analyzed samples of solid preparation to refreshment, 63% of the chewing gum, 30% of the hard candies and 18% of the chewing candies had the coloring containing above allowed. The results obtained in this work, besides showing the advantages and application of the developed methodology, aim to the necessity of bigger severity in the control levels of synthetic dyes in food.


corantes cromatografia liquida de alta eficiencia cor dos alimentos

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