Meio ambiente do trabalho, ergonomia e políticas preventivas: direitos e deveres / Work environment, ergonomics and preventive politics: rights and duties




The purpose of this dissertation is to examine and to delineate the notion of work environment, as well as to establish a series of situations or supposed consequences that can or can not be current of the labor activity, demonstrating a series of precautionary and preventive measures, which objective is the improvement of the work environment, the obligations and implications for the employers and for the employees, in case of noncompliance of work safety norms. It is necessary to define the reach of certain situations that involve the knowledge of engineering and work safety in the ergonomics subject, to establish the real responsabilization and the pertinent agents, because the subjects that involve the ergonomics and the misfortune are eminently new in the national judicial order and they need to be more delimited and discussed, being necessary to establish a real compromising of the worker and of the entrepreneur on behalf of a worthier and harmonic work environment, healthier and efficient as well.


medicina do trabalho ergonomia ambiente de trabalho segurança do trabalho - legislação doenças profissionais direito

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