Lyceu de Goyaz : elitização endossada pelas oligarquias goianas 1906-1937




The choice of this invetigation object, the Lyceu de Goyaz, was possible by French Rebolution of Historiograph. Tpublished in 1929, by Lucien Febvre and Marc Bloch entitled:Annales d’histoire économique et sociale, was founded to promote a new history and encouraged the historiographer to the XX century in your three stage, 1929-1945, 1946-1968, 1968 to front. Add the division, this movement characterized how a usual point, interation between the history and the social science. The object of this study, how instituition, introduce characteristics accept with us, how exact to your classification. Possess one planning how a pratice system, organize by your agents in divers periods. In special presentation demand one education model to the young, boys class. The study period was debilitaded, considerade in 1906 begins the reformulate of the instituition regulation to equiparat to Ginásio Nacional was effect, exigence of Epitácio Pessoa Reform of 1901. The nacional legislation agreement was made by all First Republic period and still to seven following years to 1930 Revolution. The wealthiness fount was a considerable thing to choice the topic and established in periods. The oral founts by the instituitions refering to students groups of 1937 with are alive, even obtain impotants things in procedings interview, not to exalt oral fount to one prominence place in this investigation. The first documental fount was considerated how the principal and guide to take the conclusion, first to the big quality and than the real representation value to collection informations. Exist one diversity of documents about Lyceu de Goyaz they’re meeting in four departments. The Lyceu funcion is the social handspike. Who possess money, after Lyceu win the society respect. The elite people not happen just in economic elite and occupy the public job, politic connected to cultural education in Goiás.


história da educação educacao education history educação educação - goiás (estado) - história história das instituições education history of intituition

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