Liberdade assistida: punição e cidadania na cidade de São Paulo / Probation: punishment and citizenship in São Paulo


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation discusses the possibilities of effective citizenship experiences among poor adolescents by analyzing the discourses and practices of probation in the city of São Paulo. The proposal of promoting citizenship by probation, which is a rehabilitation measure and also a punishment inflicted on juvenile offenders, emerged together with Brazils re-democratization process, in the 1980s, and the social movements that aimed the formalization of children and adolescents rights. Resulting from these, the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent, published in 1990, proposes probation as a possibility of safeguarding the rights involving citizenship. The practices of probation, recently associated to social policies for the poor, transform the safeguards of rights in formal schemes of intervention that focus on family relations, school education and inclusion in the labor market, regarding less the social conflicts and tensions of the adolescents social context. The effects of these practices are the reassuring of situations that limit the full experience of citizenship.


adolescentes autores de ato infracional assistência social cidadania citizenship direitos juvenile offenders liberdade assistida probation rights social policies

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