Learning to teach mathematics in the initial series of basic education / Aprendendo a ensinar matemática nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental




The present work concerns a research about part of the trajectory of future teachers in their pre service Mathematics teacher education for the initial series of the Elementary school - students of Pedagogy course, which analysis focused the conceptions regarding the Mathematics processes of teaching and apprenticeship. The prime investigative goal was to know in which way the future teacher establishes connections between his conceptions and the pre-professional pedagogic practice, to allow the understanding on the way how he it learns to teach Mathematics. So, the Conceptual Change theory was considered as a guide in the structuring of the field work and the Conceptual Profile Notion like a connecting thread for the analysis of the data obtained in the inquiry field. These data were obtained through questionnaires applied during the development of a curricular discipline of the course - Methodology of the Mathematics Teaching - and, also, through reflexive interviews carried out during the period of development of the teacher training originating from another curricular discipline - Pedagogic Practice C: Teacher Training - the data also came from annotations of the researcher in his field diary concerning the observations of the Mathematicsclassrooms done by the teaching trainees; from the video tapes of the university classes, from interviews and documents (Pedagogic Proposal of the course of Pedagogy, classes planning and report of teacher training subjects). For the analysis in depth of the data if it developed the study of three cases - A1, A2 and A3 - being that the first case and as had evidenced certain conceptual evolution in relation to the conceptions on the Mathematics and its processes of teach-learning, after to have lived deeply conceptual and emotional disturbances and, also, to demonstrate conscience on its different ways to think and to act in classroom. Already A3, did not present conceptual evolutions in its profile, possibly, had the obstacles that had emerged during the investigated period. Among the results obtained with the analyses, it was noticed that the future teacher links his experiences with the schooling like a way of establishing connections between his conceptions and his pedagogic practice. Another noted aspect is the fact of the teacher training is constituted an important stage of the teaching apprenticeship, so, when developed in parallel with metacognition activities, it becomes a mediational element between the future teachers personal conceptions and those conveyed by the school, in this case, for the university. It is during the teacher training that the trainee tries to put in practice what conceives like teaching of a specify knowledge, and only considering about the results obtained with his pedagogic practice is that he manages to establish relations between his own form of thinking and acting to the detriment of the new theoretical referential. It was proven, also, the importance of the formative professor as one another mediacional element between the personal conceptions and practical the pedagogical one. Thus, it is considered that the analysis of the conceptual evolution if constitutes in an interesting way for the quarrels related to the formation of professors who go to teach Mathematics in the initial series.


evolução conceitual estágios ensino de matemática formation of professors conceptual evolution education of mathematics course of pedagogia curso de pedagogia periods of training formação de professores

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