Instrumentos de avaliação do processo ensino-aprendizagem no ensino fundamental. / Instruments of evaluation of the process teach-learning in basic education.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present study investigated the instruments of evaluation of the teaching learning process in a perspective of analysis of the theory which has informed the Brazilian educators about the laws that rule the evaluation and its practice as noticed by the students, teachers and educators of the elementary school of two municipal schools in São Paulo. Authors whose purposes have been spread throughout the educational means were chosen and analysed . The technical, political and sociological dimensions that the evaluation reaches and the approaches used to evaluate a student were emphasized as tendency. The investigation of the evaluating practice was developed by the study of case , taken place in two municipal schools, in a group composed by two principals and their two assistants, three pedagogic co-ordinators, twenty teachers- ten of them as tutors of classes from the first to the forth degree and the other ten from the fifth to the eighth degree of the elementary school, and eighty students forty of them from the first to the forth degree and the other forty from the fifth to the eight degree of the elementary school . The data were collected by questionnaires. The conclusion was that the evaluation of the teaching- learning process noticed and shown by almost all the involved school agents is not agaisnt the essence of what is spread by the theory and the legislation , since the main purpose is the quality aspects without ignoring the quantity ones. Comparing the practices of evaluation specified in the teaching plans of the teachers with their answers to the questionnaires and with the students` point of view , it followed that it is necessary a critical reflexion of the teaching and the school in a theorical and practical perspective. This being so, at the end of this study, some considerations and purposes come back to reconsider the school evaluation in order to elaborate a psycho- pedagogical project aiming the best care of the students of a public school and the improvement of the teaching quality.


instrumento de avaliação ensino-aprendizagem ensino fundamental administracao instrument of evaluation teach-learning basic education

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