Knowledge management: an approach of technical &scientific committee in airspace research center / GESTÃO DO CONHECIMENTO: uma abordagem dos comitÃs tÃcnico-cientÃficos em um centro de tecnologia aeroespacial




Knowledge is the center of operation in modern organizations. This understanding leads them to clearly recognize that their intellectual capital is the essential source of competitive advantage. Organization integration is the todayâs tendency, which calls for the need to understand the organization as a complete system, implementing new concepts and approaches in an adaptive way to their organizational reality. Knowledge management, in this new approach, incorporates all of these aspects becoming a complex job, which must be fully studied to be brought into the organization routine. This document analyses the technical &scientific committees as an able instrument to contribute to the easiness of group activities in highly complex research organization as the Aerospace Technological Center (CTA) here taken as a case study. Several factors â organizational, cultural and behavior â have influence when implementing this management tool and need to be analyzed to guarantee a successful way of implementation. The objective of this research is to identify favorable and unfavorable aspects of technical &scientific committees in CTA. These aspects must not be considered separately. To implement these committees successfully the interrelationship of all aspects must be analyzed in a systemic view of the organization. It was possible to verify as well in this research that the committees are considered very important for the Aerospace Technologic al Center activities.


kowledge management conhecimento research center knowledge estudo de caso gestÃo do conhecimento centro de pesquisa administracao de setores especificos case study. gestÃo management

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