Inventario de emissões de dioxido de carbono devido ao uso de energia : a região de Campinas e seu setor sucro-alcooleiro




The environment and its conservation have been the focus of public and scientific attention since the last decade. The greenhouse effect, its causes and consequences are topics of current interest. The attempt to determine the human contribution to this effect demands the accounting of greenhouse gas emissions, mainly CO2, the atmospheric concentration of which has increased about 30% since the Industrial Revolution. In this dissertation a regional inventory of CO2 emissions due to energy use is developed. This inventory is based on the guidelines developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - IPCC. Initia1ly the greenhouse effect is reviewed, showing how human activities can affect this natural phenomenon. Then the original IPCC methodology, which has been adopted worldwide for compiling national greenhouse gas emission inventories, is presented. Modifications to this methodology are suggested intending to apply it to regions whose borders do not match institutional geopolitical divisions. It may cause a lack of energy consumption data, which are essential for determiningCO2 emissions originated from fossil fuels and biomass combustion. The region selected for applying the modified methodology has been studied since the beginning of this decade as it is inside the Região Administrativa de Campinas and it is composed of many of the Comitê das Bacias dos Rios Piracicaba e Capivari cities. The latter is a regional organisation responsible for the developmentof many reports and studies about the local environment. Emissions from the sugarcane agro-industrial sector and the contribution fiom fuel alcohol and bagasse are also estimated, because this sector is economically important and may reduce the current CO2 emission rate. The results indicate that the region emits approximateIy 6.841 GgCO2, but the energetic use of fuel alcohol and sugarcane bagasse leads to the absorption of about 517GgCO2. It is also considered the energetic potential of leaves and stalks and their respective emissions. As a resuIt it was found that approximately 1.160GgCO2of CO2 could be avoided


efeito estufa (atmosfera) dioxido de carbono atmosferico aquecimento global energia

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