Competitividade sistÃmica do setor sucro-alcooleiro: analisando as perspectivas de Pernambuco




The Brazilian sugarcane sector, specially the one located in the Centre-South region, achieved a higher competitive stage supported by the development and dissemination of technology. The country reached higher rates of productivity in the rural and industrial fields. As a result, Brazil is the most competitive country in sugar production, with the slowest cost of operation. Meanwhile, the industrial sugar sector located in the Northeast region of Brazil and in the state of Pernambuco didnât achieve the same performance of the Centre-South region. The objective of this essay, though, was to analyze the performance of this sector, both in the Centre-South and in the Northeast region and, in complement, analyze the performance of the sugar cane plants in Pernambuco. This analysis was based on performanceâs evolution and on the impacts of technological and organizational changes. The analysis appointed that the sectorâs performance in Pernambuco is beginning to change. The levels of production and productivity are growing with the improvement in the efficiency rates. This modernization is supported by a modification in the organizational model with the implementation of new techniques of management in several of the industrial plants. Some performance rates improved in the last six years and some inefficient industrial plants closed down their operations. As a result of this new pattern, there were no closings of plants in the last two seasons


competitividade performance rates engenharia de producao sugarcane and ethanol industry indicadores de desempenho indÃstria sucro-alcooleira competitiveness industrial modernization modernizaÃÃo industrial

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