Interação entre sistemas agroindustriais, modelos alimentares e saúde da população : estudo aplicado ao arroz


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The Western dietary pattern is characterized by the consumption of practical food and fast preparation, but that contains a high energy density, much sodium and little food fiber, which takes to non-transmissible chronic diseases. In the search for the confrontation of this problem, a new food model which tries to conjugate practical with health benefits comes up. The agribusiness have an important role in this process, since the primary production, on the breeding and cultivation systems, until the development and offer of practical and healthy food in the market, taking the risk of having their consumption reduced. The objective of this work is to check the interaction among productive food systems, western food model and the population¿s health, in a study applied to the agribusiness Rice, driving to provide elements to guide health and consumption motivation politics. The methodology includes a binational study Brazil-Spain, which verified the configuration of the agribusiness and the offer of the products derived from rice in Brazil and in Spain, the analysis of the consumption of the products derived from rice in Spain and a study about the availability of these products which brings together practicality, versatility an health benefits. The results showed that the rice has potential to be used as base for processed food, semi manufactured and ready for consumption, with nutrition facts that allow it to be used both on prevention and non-transmissible chronic diseases diet therapy. The Spanish industry developed and put on the market practical and versatile products and the consumers have been including these products on their diet. In Brazil there has been a gradual change in the industry to line up its production to this concept, however the rice production system in both Spanish and Brazilian does not explore the health aspects associated with their products.


western dietary pattern agronegócio public health consumo alimentar food consumer rice sistemas productivos agroalimentarios dieta occidental arroz agribusiness salud consumo de alimentos arroz

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