Interação de paredes em alvenaria estrutural cerâmica sob ações verticais / The interaction of ceramic structural masonry walls under vertical loads




The main goal of the present work is to clarify, under the structural point of view, the interaction of walls with running bond under vertical loads, by means of experimental and numerical analyses. To allow the execution of complex tests, small-scale models techniques are used. The studies are accomplished on the related themes: interaction of structural masonry walls without reinforcement, small-scale models and masonry numerical modeling. The materials characterization is carried out in small and full scale to determine their mechanical properties and correlation between the scales. A specimen to evaluate the masonry shear strength in the vertical plane is numerically developed and experimentally tested. The influence of the geometric characteristics of the masonry panels, the slabs and bond-beams and the number of floors are also numerically and experimentally studied. A good correlation is verified between small and full scale models for the main masonry properties, demonstrating the viability of its use, since a correct similarity analysis is taken into account. The numerical modeling represents adequately the global behavior of masonry panels. The bond-beam in the intermediate course extends the linear behavior of the masonry panels. It is also concluded that the existence of the concrete slab and the load application in different levels enlarge the masonry load bearing capacity.


interação interaction experimental analysis small-scale models alvenaria estrutural modelos reduzidos structural masonry análise experimental vertical loads ações verticais análise numérica numerical analysis

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