Experimental small-scale analysis of the connections between structural clay block work masonry walls submitted to vertical loads / Análise experimental em escala reduzida de ligações entre paredes de alvenaria estrutural de blocos cerâmicos submetidas a ações verticais




This work presents a comparative analysis of three types of connections between structural masonry walls under vertical loads. The first type is a set of running bond interconnected masonry walls. The second connection is obtained by means of steel meshes and the third, also stack bond, is hardened by metallic staples anchored in grouted holes. The study is based on an experimental program carried out in the laboratory of structures of the EESC-USP. The test specimens are H shaped third scale walls, with five courses, as proposed by Capuzzo Neto (2005). The experimental analysis allows for the evaluation of the shear strength of the vertical interface between the central wall and the flanges. The study shows that the models with running bond provide the largest shear strength, which corroborates the phenomenon of the walls’ interaction under vertical loads, and a fragile failure type. Both the stack bond specimens present a shear strength of roughly 60% of the running bond type, with ductile failure, specially for the stapled connection.


blocos cerâmicos alvenaria estrutural modelos reduzidos steel meshes connections telas metálicas interação clay blocks small-scale models ligações interaction structural masonry

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