Cisalhamento nas interfaces verticais de paredes de edifícios de alvenaria estrutural / Shear stress on vertical interfaces of structural masonry walls




This work presents the evaluation of the shear stress at the vertical interfaces of interconnected masonry walls simultaneously subjected to vertical and horizontal loads. The obtained maximum shear stress values are compared to the shear strengths prescribed by the current Brazilian code, NBR 10837 (ABNT, 1989), and by its review base text. The prescribed values are also confronted with experimental values, critically evaluating the application of the regulatory limits in the practical design of existing buildings. Additionally, two different ways of modeling the structural masonry buildings when submitted by horizontal actions are evaluated. The first one is a simple approach, largely used by designers, that consists in the two dimensional association of isolated walls. Its evaluation is important to provide the designer with a quick and reliable analytical tool. The second way of modeling is a three dimensional frame analysis, which allows a more complete simulation of the shear walls, including the shear strain effects. In order to evaluate the differences between the two models, statistical tests were employed for examining whether they are statistically equal at a significance level of 5%. Case studies were performed taking into account four residential buildings with different architectural arrangements. The number of floors was also varied considering four, eight, twelve and sixteen, in order to obtain more meaningful results. The developed analysis showed that the strength limits prescribed by the review base text of the NBR 10837 (ABNT, 1989) seem to be very much strict according to the Brazilian common practice. Regarding the comparison of the studied analytical models, the statistical tests showed that there is no difference between them at a significance level of 5%.


ações horizontais interfaces verticais alvenaria estrutural horizontal forces structural masonry carregamento vertical shear stress cisalhamento vertical loads vertical interfaces

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