Institucionalização da pesquisa científica: estudo do repertório metodológico das dissertações defendidas em dois Cursos de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação no Brasil / Scientific research institutionalization: a study of the methological repertoire in dissertations developed in two post-graduation courses in Information Science in Brazil




The research has the objective to investigate the cognitive institutionalization of the scientific research in Information Science in Brazil, from the methodological repertoire analysis of the dissertations developed in two post-graduation courses, from 1993 to 2005. The specific objectives are: identify and describe the methodological repertoire used by the dissertations authors and identify the thematic tendencies. It is characterized as an exploratory and descriptive study, supported by tools and techniques of the methods of the analysis of the contents and scienciometric. The empiric corpus is constituted by 255 dissertations, 73 of them are documents from Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and 182 of them are from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas (PUC-Campinas). The analysis of the graphic representations supported by the theoric conception brought the following results: the dissertations developed in the IS post-graduation courses in PUC-Campinas and USP follow the same tendencies of others research programs of IS in Brazil. The dissertations are characterized by their methodological plurality and they are directed to practice, appliance, or solution of specific and located problems. It can also be observed that there are little reflexion and explanation about the repertoire adopted in these researches. As well there is a lack of understanding about what are the types of researches, methods and techniques. The more commonly used method in theses dissertations is the case study with a pragmatic focus and with a quantitative nature, in place of theoric and conceptual researches that are very important to the cognitive institutionalization of this area.


ciência da informação pós-graduação tendências metodológicas dissertations ciencia da informacao information science methodological tendencies dissertações post graduation

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