Inserção do biodiesel na matriz energética brasileira:aspctos técnicos e ambientais relacionados ao seu uso em motor de combustão / Inserção do biodiesel na matriz energética brasileira: aspectos técnicos e ambientais relacionados ao seu uso em motores de combustão




The Biodiesel can be produced from vegetal oils, animal fats or residual oils by means of reaction with ethanol or methanol and is detached among the renewable sources of energy as a solution to increase the security in the energy suppliment and to minimize some decurrent environment problems from the use of fossie fuels. Thus, it?s necessary to evaluate the trends for the specifications of fuels, which properties of biodiesel converge or not of the required specifications, which are the disadvantages of the environment and performance engine and its possible solutions. The object of this work had been to study the technical and environment aspects related about its use in combustion engine.


motor de combustão engine combustion. aspectos ambientais renewable energy fontes renováveis de energia technical aspects environment aspects aspectos técnicos biodiesel

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