Ingresso das mulheres no magistério da Bahia: o resgate de uma história.




The Normal Course, in Brazil, was created after the policy of decentralization of power in 1834. Right after that, four provinces created their Normal Schools. The state of Bahia was the only one to offer a special Normal Course for women. This study aims to analyze the innovative caracter of the proposal made from the state of Bahia, which anticipates the other provinces in at least 30 years. The thesis investigates the reasons for this progress, under the argument that Bahia had some specifics, such as the influence of struggles in favour of female education, which the centre of reference was France; the fear of the Public Powers of Bahia, concerned about the state of the social upheaval that the society was living in, especially in regards to the Malês Battles (1835) and Sabinada (1837), in which the participation of slaves and teachers, respectively, led to a distrust of the Tradicional Powers on the use of men in the task of teaching young people; and the already low wages paid to women teachers, which opened the possibility of using women to this task. To verify these hypotheses, a documentary and bibliographic survey was conducted at the State Public Library, in the Public Archive of the State of Bahia and the Foundation Clemente Mariani. It was observed that the state of Bahia had France as a center of cultural reference, because there was a connection between the intellectual ideas in Bahia and the ones that circulated in France about female education, enlightenment and education of citizens through the school. The state of Bahia, ahead of the other provinces, lived a state of exception: extreme poverty, lack of policies for generation of employment and high tax collection associated with the lack of investment from the Portugal empire. This framework has created a state of social fragility that transformed Bahia in one of the most turbulent provinces of this period in Brazil, which strengthens the hypothesis that it would not be safe to deliver the responsibility of education to men, because many of them were involved in rebellions and uprisings, mainly teachers. Thus, it was urgent to consider an instrument of restraint and control of that society, and the school, contrary to what said the sabinos, wasseen as an element in the training of future generations, if carried out solely by women.


história da educação history of education in bahia educacao magistério educação da mulher gênero teaching história da educação na bahia gender history of education education of women

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