Social Capital can be understand as links of solidarity and trust that together formed the relations and the commitments of citizens, as well as professionals or volunteers, of one social cause. Trough this, a synergic relationship between the Estate and the civil society, can be build. The organizations that formed the third sector help to build and maintained the links of trust and feed back, witch are the base elements for a democratic society and maintained the economy of market working. The raise of the third sector, and with this, the level of trust relationships, has been fomented the productions of researches that try to understand this social culture phenomenon. This way the research about social capital has become necessary. This research have for main objective analyzed how the indicators of social capital from a third sector organization, located in Blumenau city, Santa Catarina state, from the point of view of their publics: inside public (managers and employees) outside public (volunteers, donators and receivers) has become to light. For this a quantity research has been developed whit a study case as methodology. The tool of this research has been based in Grootaert et al (2004) questionnaire developed for the Mundial Banc, which have as based a bunch of social capital researches developed around the world, and the data base analyses tool was multivariate analyses of clusters. An exploratory research has been developed, whit a 64 questionnaires applied over inside and outside publics. The multivariate analysis of clusters has been executed by dendogramas and groupings distribution tables. The results obtained notified the presence of the social capital indicators inside the organization researched, as well in the inside and outside public. These results may be help the organization build strategies to use de social capital available inside the organization developing actions looking forward partnership as well donation programs and volunteers.


capital social indicadores pointers terceiro setor capital social social capital administracao third sector

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