Incorporação de energia na vida útil de uma colhedora autopropelida de cana-de-açúcar / Energy embodiment in life cycle of a self-propelled sugarcane harvester


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The energy subject is one of the main challenges of 21st century. The geopolitical and environment aspects, they are concern sources to the current economic model. Brazil presents advantages in comparison to the world due to the use of renewable energy. Since 2007, products from the sugarcane have assumed the first place as a renewable source in the Brazilian energy matrix. Energy analysis is necessary in order to monitor of scarce natural resources, to supply, with the most several biomass alternatives, a world population in constant growth. This analysis identifies the production practices and quantifies their efficiency in the energy point of view, determining the embodied energy in the steps of the production process. Studies of embodied energy in agricultural machinery are rare. The participation of the sugarcane sector in the Brazilian energetic matrix has increased. Due to the energy consumed in their processes it is interesting to quantify these input flows in order to monitor the energy feasibility of this source. This study aimed to determine the embodied energy in the self-propelled sugarcane harvester. Two models were evaluated, so called: Machine 1 equipped with wheels and tires; and Machine 2 equipped with metallic tracks, manufactured by a company located at Piracicaba region, State of São Paulo, Brazil. For every harvester, the consumption of the input (direct and indirect) used in the assembly phase, was accounted, and also the consumption of the input used in the maintenance and repair phase. The consumption data of the inputs were processed presenting the materials flows used, which they were multiplied by their embodied energy indices, resulting in the embodied energy required by the production system. The results show that Machine 2 presented higher embodied energy (204.3 MJ kg-1) than the Machine 1 (202.6 MJ kg-1) during their life cycle and this was influenced directly by the rolling used by the Machine 2. The embodied energy by demanded by labor in the assembly activity was low compared with the other categories of energy. The steel carbon represented the input with the highest consumption. The incorporated energy indirectly in the input was low compared with the verified on the other inputs. In terms of embodied energy consumption, Machine 1 is better than Machine 2, although the latter may cause less damage to the sugarcane rattons which can compensate the higher energy demand in its life cycle.


cana-de-açúcar colhedoras embodied energy energia - análise energy analysis energy input máquinas agrícolas material flow

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