Impactos na gestão e na docência com a implantação de currículo modularizado e por competência em uma instituição de ensino superior




This research was made with the objective of researching and evaluating the impacts on administration and teaching in a private college institution with the objective of implementing the syllabus modularization and through competency in a technological course. The incorporation of a new pedagogical project implies in organizational changes perceptive and not so precise, in a teaching institution, which needs behavioral changes of the subjects and a change in the status quo. In this sense, it was made a documental and field research, in a way to identify the impact existed. The data collection needed a historical research of various sources in the institution: journals, drafts, meeting report and official records. A field research occurred thru interviews with open questions. The results of the research allowed to understand the resistance to organizational changes, with happened because of new ideas, concepts and methods, which inevitably implied a organizational change and it had some impact in the organizational dynamics.


ensino profissional professores universidades e faculdades educacao planejamento curricular professional education ensino superior modularized syllabus educational administration organizational changes modularized courses and competencies mudança organizaciona ensino modularizado e por competência currículos gestão educacional

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