Identificação de perdas de conhecimento organizacional em programas de desligamento voluntário - PDVS : estudo de caso da ECT Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos




The objective of this research is to identify the lost of knowledge that happens when an organization adopts Voluntary Dismissal Programmes as a policy to reduce its staff. Concepts of Knowledge and Information Management will be reviewed as well as the use of Oral History as a mean of preserving the Organizational Memory. With a focus on mnemonics, the Storytelling technique is presented as an artificial process of retention and recovery of organizational knowledge. During the research, employees who work directly with the Voluntary Dismissal Programme of the Brazilian Official Post Office as well as managers and employees who stayed in the organization were interviewed and the knowledge gap as a result of employees‟ dismissals was noticed. The results of the research demonstrate that using Storytelling techniques systematically is a way of preserving the knowledge in the organization.


aprendizagem organizacional memória organizacional programa de desligamento voluntário (pdv) história oral ciencia da informacao organizational learning voluntary dismissal programme gestão do conhecimento storytelling oral history organizational memory storytellingnarrativas de histórias knowledge management

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