Hermenêutica e interpretação constitucional




ABSTRACT The cientific labor aims to analyse the hermeneutic and the constitucional interpretation. With this in mind, firstly, is made a brief study of the concepts of constitution and of the concepts of principles and constitutional rules, both indispensable for teh good understanding of the subjet. Later, we shold study the hermeneutic, juridical interpretation and constitutional interpretation, emphasizing particulary the origin, results and aims of the constitucional interpretation, and also its interpreters. In the following chapther, with the purpose of demonstrading the importance of the use of the principles in the process of the constitucional interpretation, examines the teory of the principles. In what concerns the methods of interpretation, is made a dense study about traditional methods and moderm tecniques of constitutional interpretation.


hermeneutic brasil - direito constitucional métodos de interpretação constitucional methods constitucional interpretation interpretação jurídica direito constitucional interpretação constitucional hermenêutica (direito) juridical

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