GinÃstica na empresa: percepÃÃo do trabalhador




This study presents a discussion about the physical activity in the world of work, in a wider sociological perspective, dealing with questions like: psychopathology, alienation and work. This paper evaluates the worker perception about a program of Gymnastics in the Company, mentioning that this is a proposal of ServiÃo Social da IndÃstria (SESI). It is characterized as a qualitative and quantitative analysis. It was part of the sample 270 workers (87,8 % of men and 22,2 % of women) from different operational departments from a big steelworks placed in the city of IpatingaâMG. The method used was a questionnaire, proposed by the author of this study, that permitted the discovery of the data about the physical aspect, reliability, quality of care, security, behavior dimension, and body dimension of SESI Gymnastics in the Company.


educacao fisica saÃde do trabalhador stretch-break workerâs health work trabalho exercÃcios terapÃuticos;trabalho;saÃde e trabalho ginÃstica na empresa ginÃstica laboral and gymnastics in the company

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