Gestores Alemães no Brasil, equipes locais e suas interações: percepções recíprocas sobre a cultura de trabalho em um contexto intercultural.




The present work is an exploratory study with the goal, within its limits, of bringing up the intercultural relations between Germans and Brazilians in a global organization in Brazil. The method used was the case study method, as we are speaking of a contemporary phenomenon and the objective of the analysis was restricted to an organization of singular characteristics. From an existing theoretical reference, an argument was tried to be built in favor of a intercultural approach in a context of globalization, however not in comparative way. A critique was necessary for this kind of approach, since a big part of the references about national cultures and interculturality tend to adopt a comparative approach about cultures with no critique. Supported in a interpretative view, the analysis were based in a mix of dimensions. With the goal of catching the various cultural manifestations from different points of view - of both cultures - and taking in consideration the context in which the analyzed dynamics were involved.


gobalization estrangeiros no brasil foreigners in brazil national culture cultura interpretativa globalização cultura nacional interculturalidade cultura organizacional culture cultura organizational culture administracao interculturality interpretative culture

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