GestÃo e funcionamento nas Secretarias de Turmas : um estudo de caso no Tribunal Regional Federal da 5Â RegiÃo




âSecretarias de Turmaâ (STs) are the management and bureaucratic staff that works to support the collegiate of judges used in the brasilian Federal Courts system. This research intends to address the aspects of management and operation of the - STs in the Regional Federal Court of the 5th Region - TRF5 and aims to verify if the judicial bureaucracy can be minimized by changes made in the proceedings executed by the STs members during the legal process, based on the understanding of concepts of public bureaucracy present in the work of Max Weber, Michel Crozier and Mintzberg; access to justice, based on the considerations of Cappelletti and the verification of the Principle of Efficiency established by the Constitutional Amendment n 19/1988, in which was applies the guidelines of the Master Plan for the Reform of the State Apparatus. This study adopts the classification defined according to its end: exploratory (TriviÃos), descriptive (Gil) and methodological (Vergara), as well as according to itsâ means, the case study (Yin) and field study (Vergara). The central axis of the research is to demonstrate that TRF5 can insert management measures in the STs, overcoming the bureaucracy and complying with the Principle of Efficiency, resulting in the rapid access to justice. Due to the collection of statistical data and the application of questionnaires to the class of servers, the analysis shows the lack of uniformity in the procedures adopted, and changes between the results of activities undertaken by the âSecretarias de Turmaâ


judicial bureaucracy eficiÃncia organizacional administraÃÃo pÃblica burocracia principle of efficiency public administration administracao publica organizaÃÃo judiciÃria access to justice

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