Geometria, Topologia e Elasticidade: aplicações a membranas e outros sistemas bidimensionais




Geometry, topology and elasticity are found in various branchs of physics and they play important roles in the understanding of many physical phenomena. In this work, we present three diferent systems where we can see such importance. First, a quantum neutral particle, constrained to move on a conical surface, is used as a toy model to explore bound states due to both a inverse squared distance potential and a delta-function potential, which appear naturally in the model due the geometry and topology of the cone. In the second one, we propose a method for probing the effects of curved 3-space by using materials with large coefficients of thermal expansion. Studying their fluctuations can be naturally cast in terms of a nonflat background geometry. In the last one, we determine the elastic-mediated interaction between colloidal nanoparticles adsorbed on the surface of free-standing smectic films. In contrast with the short-range character of the elastic- mediated force between particles adsorbed on smectic films supported by a solid substrate, the effective force acquires a long-range character in free-standing films, thus playing an important role in the formation of self-assembly structures in these systems.


tensão superficial cristal líquido esmético potenciais patológicos fluid membranes liquid films espaço curvo tridimensional colóides adsorvidos pathological potentials fisica fluctuations, curved three-space surface tension filmes líquidos adsorbed colloids membranas fluidas flutuações térmicas smectic liquid crystals

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