Fundamentos teóricos para o processo de alfabetização poética: uma experiência didática com alunos do ensino fundamental.




This dissertation aims at examining the theoretical foundations of art as an important formative factor on school education, targeted at students with eleven and twelve years old. This is a retrospective analysis in a didactic experience with students from a middle public school of São Paulo city in 2007, entitled Poetry Project. To perform this analysis was of fundamental importance to know the theory of Alfonso López Quintás, and the method Lúdico-Ambital to analysis the written works of students collected specifically for this purpose. López Quintás is a philosopher who studied the phenomenon of art as part of young peoples formation. The Poetry Project consisted in submitting poems to students interpret them creatively. It was developed throughout the school year with the lessons of the Portuguese Language discipline. However, from the viewpoint of academic research, I was interested in transcending the question of the Poetry Project. That time, the thought of Alfonso López Quintás offered me the theoretical basis that I was looking for to my dissertation.


poetry, aesthetics, art. poesia estética arte. educacao

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