Formação do treinador de tênis de alto rendimento no Brasil : validação do Questionário de Análise da Formação Inicial e Permanente dos Treinadores de Tênis de Alto Rendimento (QUAFIPETAR) / Coaching of high performance tennis coaches in Brazil - Validation of the Questionnaire for the Analysis of Initial and Permanent Coaching of High Performance Tennis Coaches (QUAFIPETAR)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aim of this study was to validate the Brazilian version of QUAFIPETAR (LIMA e ANDRADE, 2011) an adaptation of the questionnaire for the analysis of initial and permanent coaching of high performance spanish tennis coaches (GARCÍA, 2001) and describe the profile of the initial and permanent formation of high performance tennis coaches in Brazil. This is a descriptive field study that happened in two phases, the first being the validation process and the second a quantitative and qualitative coaches formation analyses. The sample comprised four groups: Group I: consisting of five doctors researchers in the field of Physical Education and the 5 master students from Post Graduation in Human Movement Sciences, University of Santa Catarina (UDESC), for analysis of validity and clarity of the instruments, group II, consisting of 24 coaches of competitive tennis at the state and national level to review the clarity, content validity and sample in the pilot study; group III, that consists of 31 active Brazilian top tennis coaches, that had been training some tennis juvenile or professional competitive level nationally and internationally; and group IV: expert committee formed by doctors researchers who had the task of assisting the process of construct validation by confirmatory analysis validation of QUAFIPETAR. From the group III, the three most experts coaches had been part of the qualitative research. The study confirmed the validity of the instrument and the levels of the constructs, being the final version translated and adapted considered suitable for application with high performance tennis coaches in Brazil. The description of the professional profile and initial and permanent formation of the sample indicated that the expertise acquired through practice and through informal and non-formal learnings (NELSON et al; 2006) seems to support the vast majority of the coaches, since most of them did not graduate by way of formal learning in Physical Education graduation. The most permanent formation activities indicated by the most tennis coaches were the appropriate permanent exchange, mentoring, classroom courses and Internet. The conclusion is that results confirmed the validity of the instrument QUAFIPETAR and described the profile of the initial and permanent formation of high performance Brazilian tennis coaches.


formação de treinadores tênis alto rendimento validação educacao fisica coaching coaches formation tennis high performance validation

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