Formação do professor polivalente e saberes docentes: um estudo a partir de escolas públicas. / Training of the multiask teacher ande teacher´s kbowledge: a study from public schools.




Our history is constituted of a lot of discussion and wide educational legislation, which in its majority has been turning uncommon in schools. The construction of a democratic, critic, reflexive and inclusive public school, with quality for all, is until today, an enormous challenge. The challenges which the versatile initial years of elementary school teachers represent a very important part, but not the only one. It is the teacher the professional who works daily and directly on the basic children formation in public school education. This papers study object is the versatile teacher; it was developed a qualitative research, which aims to re-evaluate the importance of the versatile teachers work in initial years of elementary public school in the conjuncture of Brazilian society nowadays, emphasizing the teachers knowledge and their formation problems. To reach this aim, the research involved bibliographical studies, documental analysis and reflexive interview with twenty versatile teachers of initial years from municipal public schools of Dracena, Junqueirópolis and Tupi Paulista São Paulo States interior cities. The main theoretical references were: Saviani, Pimenta, Libâneo, Szymanski, and Tardif. It was concluded that the public schools biggest challenges are the education quality, the childrens social reality, the family absence in the childrens school life and the enlargement of the school responsibilities in the social subject. In the versatile teachers performance the success consists of the interaction with the child and of verifying their progresses and development in the teaching-learning process. The difficulties concentrate mainly on the family absence in the childrens education, in the studentsdiversity as a result of teaching democratization and, with less intensity, in the critics to the teachersformation courses along with public school and teacher depreciation. With reference to the more relevant teachers knowledge nowadays, they emphasized the knowledge of knowing, pedagogic knowledge, attitudinal and organizational knowledge. In the construction of this knowledge, many places and formation activities were prioritized, such as the school, the initial and continuous formation courses, and the interaction with other professionals that lived experiences as versatile teachers. The research evidenced the versatile teachers importance; the urgent need of public politic of valorization for this professional, mainly for the initial formation course, so that it forms the intellectual critical reflexive teacher.


anos iniciais do ensino fundamental versatile teacher escola pública intellectual critical reflexive teacher elementary school initial years the teacher s formation saberes docentes public school educational knowledge professor polivalente professor intelectual crítico reflexivo formação do professor

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