Formação de Profissionais para o Mercado de Trabalho: uma análise crítica da formação dos alunos do Curso Técnico em Agropecuária do Colégio Agrícola de Camboriú. / Training Professionals for the Job Market: a critical analysis of education for students on the Agricultural Technical Course at Colégio Agrícola de Camboriú.




The objective of the present work is to investigate the level of technical education of former High school students, graduated from the technical course in Agriculture and Livestock at Colégio Agrícola de Camboriú CAC. Firstly, in the course of the study, we are concerned about highlighting important historical aspects of Brazilian vocational education. Aiming at promoting reflection and analyses, we initially present a historical presentation of vocational education paths, pointing out the main educational reforms in the area. Next we turn our focus to the present time aspiring to evaluate the quality of the Technical Course in Agriculture and Livestock at CAC from the point of view of the students and those responsible for training placements in companies. Data was gathered from questionnaires filled in by a) former high school students who had complemented their studies with vocational education, that is, further education, and graduated from CAC, and b) representatives from companies offering training placements and work to Agricultural Technicians. It is evident from the data that the Teaching Institute is concerned about offering quality teaching to future technicians, allowing the high school leaver to be adequately trained to be taken into and made good use of in the job market. It was also observed that the profile of such a school leaver, graduating from CAC, is that of a young professional with a wider education, yet concerned with capability/current knowledge and new technology. On the other hand, we also noticed that companies are more and more often looking for already trained workers with very specific knowledge in certain areas, a sort of specialist. This often frustrates students who had a broader school education guided by a strict curriculum structured for the formation of professional Technicians in Agriculture and Livestock with a more general view in the area of Agriculture. In general terms, the research showed a high percentage of both students and the representatives of the companies included in the sample approved of the teaching offered on the Technical course in Agriculture and Livestock at Colégio Agrícola de Camboriú. The results bring us to the conclusion that the course is of good quality. At the same time it uncovers some flaws allowing us to present suggestions for improvement by attending to the demands made by changes in the job market.


teaching know-how vocational aagricultural sschools. technical course in agriculture and livestock escolas técnicas agrícolas. educacao vocational education educação profissional curso ttécnico em agropecuária ensino para competência

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