Formação continuada de professores e transposição didática / Continued education for teachers and didactical transposition


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research shows the importance of continued education and didactical transposition for teachers who believe in improving the education offered in public school. The research took place in the formative meetings of teachers in the area of science, promoted by the Education Department in Cajamar-São Paulo, and E.M.E.B. Jardim São Luiz, and in the meetings of HTPC and in classrooms with the following participants: science teacher and seven students from sixth grade in 2010. The study aimed to investigate how the studies and meetings carried out in the questioning continued training, appear within the classroom and as a guiding question: Are there didactical transposition of knowledge studied by the teacher in continuing education and in their daily practice work? We find answers from our attendance at training meetings conducted in the Department of Education, and HTPCs in the classroom with the school studied the application of techniques: interviews, questionnaires, observation and photographs. Therefore, from this study confirms the hypothesis that continuing education was a unique space for reflection and discussion that contributed to the passage of scientific knowledge for knowledge to be taught to know and subsequently taught and learned knowledge. It became evident through analysis of data the importance of continuing education as a space that allowed the didactic transposition. It features a survey of the qualitative approach, so we used the types of field researches, documentary and bibliographic research. The discourse analysis of teacher, shows that the continuing education of educators is to improve educational enabler, reflecting on their practice, for an exchange of experiences with peers and participation in planning the content of Sciences that the schools considered important to be worked in elementary schools It was also through the speech of the participants of the research they learned the content covered in class thus leading to a didactic transposition. The research pointed that there is lack of adequate spaces to invest in learning as a research laboratory, library, gardening maintenance, and care of the purchase of new computer for the computer room. Certainly, with these spaces furnished to facilitate the development experience, observation, exploration and care for the environment. Even without these spaces, it became evident from the analysis of speech of students, that there were didactical transposition of the contents studied in continuing education for the scope of the classroom. Finally, this study confirmed that continuous education and didactic transposition are tied intrinsically


curriculo formação continuada transposição didática teachers educadores continuing education didactical transposition

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