Financing of young and adult education from 1996 to 2006 : tiny littel bits / O financiamento da educação de jovens e adultos no periodo de 1996 a 2006 : farelos de migalhas




In Brazil, the axiom Young and Adult Education (EJA) for all as a right lacks accurate and contumacious defense due to the scarcity of public resources attributed to this modality, which implies an objective limitation and sometimes an irremovable obstacle to the attendance of the population educational needs. In this sense, the present study assumes as its guiding question: Did the Young and Adult Education represent a right during the interregno 1996/2006? Within the structural question the following are immediately related to: Why to finance EJA? Whom is it destined to? What for? Who has done it? And how? It is conjecturally related to the following routes: a) Decentralization of financing and services linked to the federal issue, distribution of competence and municipalization of Education through the policy of funds to finance it; b) Focusing on the regular fundamental level (7-14 years old), as well as on the beneficiaries of programs (younger and poorer); c) Privatization expressed in the partnerships which move the always slight edge between public and private and in the requests to the volunteers of the civil society. For this purpose an ample and comprehensive theoretical debate on economic-tributary, social and historic aspects of financing of Young and Adult Education culminates in the empiric study of Minas Gerais State and of a stratified sample of its municipalities, divided into segments based on social-economic and educational criteria here established. Our effort consists of trying to understand, based on available data, the issues related to the financing of EJA inside the general frame of the policy of public finance and tributary right analyzed in the theoretical references. In order to understand what occurs in the sample municipalities, we selected the categories according to the conditions of offers by the municipal education net, its financial capacity and its public expenses in Young and Adult Education. And we realized that Young and Adult Education is a not yet accomplished dimension of democratization of the Brazilian state since in the three administrative levels (federal, state and municipal), in the period embraced by this work (1966/2006), despite the wide variety of magnitudes, the expenses with EJA were kept in a very low level if compared to other levels and kinds of Education. We must emphasize that the omission and discrepancies related to EJA, especially those related to expenses, suggest not only the need to standardize the methodologies of evaluation but rather the urgency for more and better attendance and control of public investments. At last we express the hope that the remittance of funds to EJA provided by FUNDEB (Fund for Supporting and Developing Basic Education and the Valorization of the Professionals of Education) may cause positive impact on the quantity and quality of offers by the subnational political boundaries. Yet we keep fearful of the established coefficient and above all as regards to the political view of Governors and Mayors to promote it face an amplified universe of educational problems and the restrictions of financial capacity of their administrative levels.


educação de jovens e adultos politicas publicas municipality right young and adult education direito educational financing cidades e vilas financiamento da educação public policy

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